Contact CLARA
Clark County Amateur Radio Association
P.O. Box 2911
Springfield, Ohio 45501-2911
Except for July and August, CLARA meets the third Monday of each month at 7:15 PM in the new AG Building at the Clark County Fairgrounds or the Clark County EMA Conference Room, Springfield, OH. K8KVN will announce meeting location before each meeting. Our weekly nets begin each Monday, except on meeting nights, at 7:15 PM on the 146.73 repeater. On the second Monday of each month we have our net on the 145.31 repeater.
Please use this form to email the CLARA Executive Committee. All information shared with us is kept confidential. You will receive an email copy of the form submission.
Notes: IP addresses are logged for security reasons. All fields are required for form to submit.
Notes: IP addresses are logged for security reasons. All fields are required for form to submit.